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UNT AMA is so excited to welcome you and answer any of your questions.  If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please DM us on Instagram @unt_ama, or email

Who can join?

Any UNT student can join! Our members are everyone from freshmen to seniors to grad students of all majors.

When are your meetings?

Our meetings are Tuesday at 6pm in the BLB. Join us even if you have never been, you haven't been in a while, or you want to bring a friend.

Do I have to attend every meeting?

No! Come to what you can and always feel welcomed to come back. We understand that all of us are everyday people and students first.

How do I join?

Come to a meeting on Tuesdays at 6pm in the BLB and we'll organize your payment details, or see the Get Involved tab.

How much are dues?

Dues are $75 for new members and $50 for returning members, valid for two semesters. This covers your membership to the National AMA, AMA merch and t-shirt, member  socials, and access to all our resources.

How do I join a committee?

Reach out to a committee lead at a meeting! Committees are assigned based on a first-come, first-serve basis.

What do you do?

We are a professional organization dedicated to learning about marketing and developing our professional careers. You can expect guest speakers, internship opportunities, and networking events!

What is included in membership?

Membership to the UNT chapter includes access to all National AMA resources, including student toolkits, networking events, MicroInternships, competitions, and the International Collegiate Conference.  You are also invited to all our UNT events, socials, and committee meetings.

©2023 by UNT American Marketing Association. Proudly created with

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