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The National Millenial GenZ Community

Engage with a diverse and dynamic group to assist with valuable generational insights, fostering business enhancements through the lens of Millennials and Gen Z.


Meet our Founder

Bill Imada

Bill Imada is a pioneering figure in the realm of marketing and advertising, celebrated for his unparalleled expertise in multicultural and diversity-focused marketing strategies. As the visionary founder, chairman, and chief connectivity officer of the IW Group, a groundbreaking marketing and communications agency, Imada has led the charge in devising innovative approaches that effectively resonate with diverse audiences and authentically connect with their unique consumer behaviors. 


"My trip to Cleveland was one of the best opporotunities for connections I never knew I needed. I wouldn't be the proffessional I am today if it weren't for the connections I made there."


"The NMGZ community provided me with valuable opportunities to connect with industry experts across the US. This led to internship possibilities and, more importantly, a strong sense of community and support from fellow Millennials/Gen Z peers."


"The NMGZ Community has not only opened my eyes to the world of business, but has also given me the pleasure of networking with amazing people across the world"

About the NMGZ.

The national millennial Gen Z Community is created to be a safe environment for the free exchange of ideas and to place greater emphasis on building awareness and understanding. Our Approach is to actively engage the voices of younger generations and bring more career opportunities via roundtable discussions, video conferences, and Think Tank conversations with key influentials in business, government, and in the communities where we live and work.

Perks and Opportunities

Company  Site Visits

Meet important companies within the marketing, advertising, and public relations industry. Small projects/ activities normally take place here to strengthen your marketing skills

Net Working Business Dinners

Business meetings with professionals in the industry which gives you more opportunities to network

Recreational Activities

Bill Imada will plan fun surprise days for everyone to enjoy themselves and relax after their hard work.

How to Apply

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