This summer, UNT AMA members Michael Kirchoff and Barbara Lamont had the opportunity of a lifetime. They traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina with Marketing expert Bill Imada and his National Millenial and Gen Z Community (NMGZ). While there, they met executives at major companies like Wells Fargo, engaged in conversations about the future of corporate America, and built professional connections founded in genuine friendships.
Joining the Community
Before we get into the details of their trip, how did Michael and Barbara get to have this opportunity? And what even is the National Millenial and Gen Z Community?
It all starts with a man named Bill Imada. Bill is a leader in the Marketing industry, and he places a high value on diversity. One element of that is hearing from people across generations to learn how different age groups view the workplace and what they expect while in it.
The National Millenial and Gen Z Community was created to start meaningful conversations about how our generations think and get insight from some of the brightest business minds in our midst. For its members, it’s also a good way to get their foot in the door of the professional world by meeting high-profile executives and learning from some of the best in their industry.
Bill was also a speaker at AMA’s 2022 Intercollegiate Conference in Chicago. Several of our members, including Michael and Barbara, heard his powerful presentation on the L.A. Arboretum’s Moonlight Forest case study. They connected with him afterward and were able to stay in touch and build a relationship where he trusted them enough to invite them to his organization.
Shaping the Future
While visiting Wells Fargo, Michael and Barbara had the opportunity to shed light on what Gen Z’ers graduating from college will expect from their prospective employers. The group was asked what they would do if forced to choose between an employer with great pay or one with great morals. The reality is that many people are done having to choose. They won’t sacrifice one for the other, but instead, keep looking for a company where they can have both.
Michael felt that helping people in positions of power at a major company was a memorable and impactful moment of the trip. For Barbara, this conversation was a reminder of the importance of knowing your worth. “This generation is unapologetic in asking for more,” she said, reasoning that we have the power to make employers listen and shouldn’t accept less than we know we deserve.
The members of the NMGZ Community were also given a chance to help paint a mural at the offices of Junior Achievement of Central Carolinas. The nonprofit organization provides kids with financial education by giving them roles in a miniature society where they learn to budget, maintain their credit score, and handle other important financial situations. The AMA pair remarked on how powerful it felt to leave their mark in a place making a positive impact on its community and the future.
The Moments that Matter
For Barbara, the best activity of the trip took place at South Park Mall. Looking for a way to advertise their back-to-school collections and deals, the mall invited NMGZ in to see what outfits they could create on a tight budget. The group broke into small teams and were given an envelope with limited funds and a store to include in their outfits. Then, they were let loose to see what they could find!
After an hour of team-building, planning, budgeting, and shopping, the groups got to show off their hauls. While each team was only required to find two outfits, many were able to walk away with even more. It was a great lesson in budgeting, teamwork, and communication.
Michael’s highlights came from around the dinner table. Guests joined them each evening and rotated to different areas so they had plenty of time to get to know everyone. Between these guests and the budding friendships in the community, the rich conversation made for an amazing experience. His favorite night of all was at Mirό Spanish Grille, where amazing food took everything to the next level.
Learning Through Discomfort
One of the most important lessons the pair learned during their trip was that you should never be afraid to start a conversation. Surrounded by people from different regions and in different stages of life, conversations could be intimidating. But when you’re willing to open the door, you never know the relationships you could build or the opportunities you could unlock.
This is also a key to professionalism. Being able to find a place in diverse environments, begin conversions with various people inside and outside your industry, and work well with others is essential in almost any role. Knowing how to start a conversation with someone new will allow you to build your network everywhere you go.
To help simulate what working on a team is like in the real world, Bill didn’t make the group projects easy. Instead, he created diverse groups where individuals might usually be uncomfortable to see how they would react. This taught groups to overcome their differences and accomplish the task at hand, valuing teamwork over all else.
Creating Connections
Connections are the foundation of the business world. Barbara and Michael proved that in the way they reached this community. But by the end of their trip, they had built a network of connections that could never be broken.
Surrounded by kind and caring people, it was impossible not to make friends. The group still stays in touch, maintaining their friendship from around the world. In the moment, they were a cohort traveling through every part of their day together. In the future, they’ll be building blocks for each other's careers.
For both Michael and Barbara, the connections and friendships were the most important takeaway from this opportunity. They look forward to the future opportunities that the National Millenial and Gen Z Community will provide and the many more connections they’ll form along the way.