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Welcome to Our Blog!

Writer's picture: UNT AMAUNT AMA

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

Thanks for visiting the UNT AMA blog! As our chapter grows, we’re excited to take on this new project. This will be a great opportunity to provide the in-depth information that’s out-of-place on other platforms. It’s also a new way that our members can stay engaged with the club. Keep reading to learn more about it.

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What to Expect

As we get started with our blog, we’ll explore several types of content. Here are some of the things we’re excited to share with you in the coming months.

Information about AMA

In addition to all the great info on our website, some of our blog posts will provide an inside scoop on what AMA is all about. We can’t wait to share all the benefits of joining and some sneak peeks at what it takes to keep a student org up and running.


We’ll be posting our notes and thoughts on workshops, guest speakers, and other meetings. That means no more stressing about missing an event or losing your notes. It also gives incoming students an idea of what to expect.

Marketing Topics

Sometimes, our students will do a deep dive on their favorite marketing topics and bring all that new knowledge here to share with you. We’ll also be looking for guest posters to share their unique knowledge of the field.

The Why: Supporting Students

Our chapter’s purpose is to set UNT marketing students up for success with information, experience, networking opportunities, and a strong community.

We love having a blog because it allows us to support our members, as well as anyone else looking for marketing information. Take a look at all the benefits this blog can provide for our members.

Providing Information

Like we talked about before, this blog will contain info about our organization, past events, and relevant marketing topics. It’s a great one-stop shop for our members to find the AMA info they need.

The blog isn’t just for our members, though. It also creates a resource for other UNT students and the marketing community at large.

Creating Opportunities

A blog isn’t just about the readers. It’s beneficial for the writers too!

Our students have so much to learn by writing blog posts. They’ll get to develop important skills like writing, creativity, and SEO. Most posts also require research, which is a great way for students to boost their knowledge of their favorite marketing topics.

What about guest posters?

While not every post will be written by our students, contacting guest posters is a great way to improve professional communication skills. It’s also a networking opportunity!

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